It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm

It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
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Description: За что девушки любят съемки на студии "Глубокий лоск", так это за минимальную болтовню и натуральность. Мики давно хотела попасть туда именно со Смолл Хэндсом в паре, но у его рок-группы Empty Streets был тур, так что, как только он освободился, так сразу и оказался с кралей перед камерой, чтобы убедить её - тут не болтают, тут кончают.

It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm
It's not time to talk, it's time to orgasm

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