It's time to put up with the black dick

It's time to put up with the black dick
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Description: Ссоры ни к чему хорошему не приводят, все равно проигрывают двое. Потому чувак решил предложить свой огромный хуй, чтобы и у девки настроение поднялось, и он уже наконец выпустил змея на прогулку. Вот так нужно мириться, чтобы потом у бабы лицо все в сперме было, а не рестораны и винишко под музыку.

It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick
It's time to put up with the black dick

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Писюн чернее чем сам хозяин!
10 months ago Answer
С таким членом нужно только дружить :heart:
2 years ago Answer