What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?

What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
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Description: Как мы знаем, голову лучше освобождать от всех мыслей, когда пытаешься чему-то обучиться, потому как нейроны круче складываются, если их направлять на один результат. Девка потому и выпросила у учителя перепих, а то мысли об его члене вообще не дают понять какой именно они предмет сейчас проходят. Какие же сиськи у девки, зачем ей вообще учиться?

What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?
What kind of tits does a girl have, why would she even want to study?

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1 year ago Answer