You can't just walk away from a deal like that

You can't just walk away from a deal like that
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Description: У Клары очень большие проблемы, потому что бывший Карл украл у неё кораллы, которые были предназначены под реализацию на Валдберриз, и теперь она не только в бизнесе в минус ушла, но даже за квартиру заплатить не может. Но сосед Джонни парень эмпатичный и готов положить конец финансовых проблем соседки в обмен на близость. От такой сделки просто так не откажешься.

You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that
You can't just walk away from a deal like that

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super fuck
5 hours ago Answer
ахуенная крошка
1 year ago Answer